10 Essential Tips for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Beginners
Welcome to the vast open world of Pokémon Scarlet & Violet where adventure awaits wild Pokémon roam free and the ground is practically sprinkled with shiny loot at every turn. Whether you’re here to dominate battles, complete the Pokédex or just vibe with your dream team these beginner tips will help you hit the ground running or riding because let’s be real you’re not walking everywhere.
1. Pick Up Everything
Spot a shiny sparkle on the ground? Don’t hesitate, smash that A button like you’re on a mission. Even if you don’t think you need the item now, trust me, future-you will be glad you grabbed it. You don’t even need to break stride, just keep running and spam A to scoop up loot like a true treasure hunter. Every bit counts.
2. Catch Everything
See a Pokémon? Throw a Poké Ball. Even if you’ve got no plans for it, catching every species fills up your Pokédex, earns you rewards, and saves you from the ultimate regret of running into a Pokémon later and thinking, “Wait, I never caught that one.” If there’s no Poké Ball icon next to its name, it’s time to catch it.
3. Unleash the "Let's Go" Feature
Your lead Pokémon isn’t just there to look cute, it’s ready to work. Use the Let’s Go feature and watch it strut alongside you, auto-battling wild Pokémon for easy XP and grabbing items you’d probably overlook. Plus, if you put in the miles, your Pokémon might just decide, "You know what? I’m evolving today."

4. Stop Hoarding Items
Look, I get it. You’re worried about running out of potions or revives. But here’s the thing: by the time you hit the endgame, you’ll be swimming in cash and have a mountain of every item imaginable. Use your potions, TMs, and stat-boosting items. There’s no reward for beating the Elite Four with a bag full of untouched Max Revives.
5. Don’t Sleep on Tera Types
Terastalization isn’t just a flashy gimmick, it can flip the script in a battle. Check your Pokémon’s Tera Type and plan how to use it strategically. A Fire-type Pokémon with a Water Tera Type? That’s a curveball no one expects!
6. Raid Battles = Free Loot
Tera Raid Battles aren’t just about snagging cool Pokémon, you’re walking away with a ton of rewards like EXP Candies, TMs, and rare items. Even if you don’t need the Pokémon, the loot is totally worth it. Plus, who doesn’t love teaming up for a big boss fight?
7. Your Ride Pokémon is OP… Use It
Koraidon/Miraidon isn’t just a cool ride. It can climb cliffs, swim, and glide. Unlocking these abilities by battling Titan Pokémon makes exploring way more exciting and helps you snag hidden treasures. So don’t delay those Titan battles. They’re key to unlocking the full potential of your adventure!

8. Fast Travel Is Your Best Friend
Running everywhere is for early-game trainers. Use the map to fast travel to any Pokémon Center you’ve visited before. It saves time, helps you heal quickly, and lets you get back to adventuring instead of walking all over Paldea.
9. Talk to Everyone
NPCs in this game love handing out free items, TMs, and even Pokémon if you take a moment to chat. You never know who’s got a free Galarian Meowth or a held item that could change your battle strategy!
10. Play Your Way and Have Fun!
This is your adventure, so do whatever makes it fun for you. Wanna explore that tiny island in the distance? Go for it. Feel like giving a Smolliv an Everstone just because? Absolutely. Speedrun the gyms or spend 10 hours picnicking with your Pokémon? No wrong answers here. Just make sure that, at the end of the day, you’re enjoying the journey.

Now go forth, trainer! Paldea is waiting, and there are way too many Pokémon out there for you to be sitting here reading this.