The Curious Case of Paldea's Trio of Dogs
Did You Spot This Easter Egg in Scarlet & Violet?
Something cute, or totally random, is happening in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet, and you might not have noticed it yet! Pokémon games are famous for sneaking in little Easter Eggs for the keen eyed player to find, and this one is no exception.
In Paldea, there are three dog-type Pokémon, which is notably more than usual. Coincidence? Maybe. Or perhaps it’s intentional. Check it out.
Inspired by a... Nursery Rhyme?
Remember the old nursery rhyme Rub-a-Dub-Dub? It usually mentions three men in a tub: a butcher, a baker, and a candlestick maker. Strangely enough, this particular trio of dog-type Pokémon in Paldea bears an oddly similar resemblance to the characters from that nursery rhyme. Coincidence or clever homage? You decide!

Pretty weird, but hey, I don't make these things up!
The Butcher

Maschiff would represent the Butcher, and while nothing explicitly gives this away, its razor-sharp teeth might be a clue.
The Baker

Fidough is shaped like a baked good, with coloring to match! Its braided back even resembles a loaf of bread. Too cute!
The Candlestick Maker

What gave it away? Was it the candle on its head?
Now that you’ve seen it, you cannot unsee it, sorry.
Until next time, keep on playing and finding those hidden Easter Eggs!